Friday, May 3, 2013


This is 1/4 of our desk.  I have one boy that sits on my left & one boy & a hubby that sit on my right.  Each of us have our own little space.  My hubby's area is completely cleaned off ALL.THE.TIME!!!!  The son who sits to my right... well, let's just say he takes up more than his fair share & his stuff spills over onto dad's desk, when dad isn't working from home.  The son who sits on my left is a lot like his dad in the fact that he keeps his area pretty clean.  I normally keep my area clean... except on the rare times, when I'm trying to make 3 cards in one evening & NOTHING is coming together & I color in 12 images & don't use any of them for the 3 cards!

I have one drawer of card bases.  Since 99.5% of all of my card bases are white, I have started pre-cutting a bunch at a time & keep them in one drawer. Another drawer has white 1/4 sheets of c/s.  Again, I pre-cut a bunch of these at one time & then it helps save a little time when I'm putting a card together.   My hubby & boys keep getting up earlier & earlier.  And while, I don't crawl out of bed as soon as they do, I am awake.   There comes a point in the evening where it is too early to go to bed & yet I have to find something to do or I end up wasting a bunch of time.  This is when I cut card bases, 1/4 sheets, images, etc.   I have also been trying to stamp off an image when I see a challenge that I want to participate in.  Those go in another drawer, along with any images that I color & don't use that day.

There is a smaller 3 drawer organizer sitting on top of one that's 8.5 x 11.  I have my acrylic blocks, adhesives, scissors, black Memento ink pad, etc.  things that I use frequently if not every time I stamp.  My copics are in front of me.  I use them on 99.5% of the cards I make.

Then I also have my Quiet Time books, my journal & my calendar here.  I come into the office to do my Quiet Time since my guys are in the living room training.  If I go into the living room, they often interrupt me by saying goofy things like, "Hey Mom, watch how many times I can do a push up & clap in between!" Or "Mom, would you like to see who can do 200 push ups the fastest?" Even though their Dad is sitting right there!!!  So I go into the office!  *grin*  And no... in case any of you were wondering, I haven't taken my son up on his offer to see who can do push ups the fastest.

So there, you have it... my desk area.

I'll be back later with a card!

1 comment:

  1. Are those purple markers in that left top space? Right where they should be...easy to reach!

    Nice space...thanks for sharing.
