Monday, May 10, 2010


Whew! What a day!! We had tornadoes in the state. Just about the time we thought we were passed the danger, another storm popped up. The 2nd storm brought some little hail. My boys thought it was so fun to go collect the hail. It was so strange that it ended up being just a few pieces of hail.

The boys were praying for Dad's new car to be protected. I had to chuckle because they didn't say anything about us or the house or even my van, just Dad's car!!! LOL!!!

We've also been studying about tornadoes. The boys have learned a lot about the different kinds of twisters & the precautions to take. We will be studying about them more over the next few days.

We did get quite a bit of rain water collected for us to use for our flowers & veggies. We had just been reading about collecting rain water in science & had planned on collecting water the next time it rained. The boys were having fun playing in the rain!

I do have a card in the works... I hope to finish it up tonight. Just didn't get it finished since our eyes were on the TV for news of the tornadoes. Prayers for the families that were affected by these storms. There are still more storms in the state & are heading into Arkansas.

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