Tuesday, October 18, 2011

STVMONLM6 Snowflake

Monday's Mix It Up challenge on stamptv was to create a project using at least one snowflake. I'm so not ready to think about snow... as fast as this year is flying by, I know that it will be that time soon. We are just getting some nice fall weather that I hope we get to enjoy for a few weeks (months) before the white stuff starts falling. But, on the positive side... it did get me to pull out a set that I haven't used in awhile! *grin*

Stamps: Blessed is the Season GKD
C/S: In the Navy, white
Snowflakes cuttlebug folder, circle nestabilities, navy brads, navy side stitched ribbon

A card a day keeps the mojo flowin'... until next time!


1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful snowflake! Reminds me of some SU! snowflakes I haven't used yet. Seems like the Fall season gets shortchanged somehow. Never seems long enough.
